1. Oracle,随机查询20条
select * from
select * from 表名 order by dbms_random.value)
where rownum <= 20;
2.MS SQL Server,随机查询20条
select top 20 * from 表名order by newid()
3.My SQL:,随机查询20条
select * from 表名 order by rand() limit 20
帮助消息表 S_MSG_HINT帮助消息ID SMH_ID NUMBER(20) PK帮助消息内容 SMH_TEXT VARCHAR2(200) 人员帮助消息表 S_HINTPEOPLE人员ID SHP_UID VARCHAR2(20) PK当前帮助消息ID SMH_ID NUMBER(20) PK FK 如果为已读消息会在 人员帮助消息表里面生成记录 select *from (select smh.*, nvl2( shp.smh_id,1,0) as status --0:未读 1:已读 from s_msg_hint smh left join s_hintpeople shp on smh.smh_id = shp.smh_id and shp.shp_uid = 'p_chencc' order by dbms_random.value --随机数值排序 )where status = 0 and --未读消息 rownum <= 1 --取一条